Oh my zsh!

sábado, 15/06/2024 - 5 min
command exa

Here’s the English translation of the blog post:

For quite some time now, Oh My Bash has been well-known and widely used, primarily for customizing the appearance and composition of the prompt in the bash environment.

As it gained popularity, it expanded with new features and variations, such as Oh My Zsh for zsh, and even for powershell with Oh My Posh.

I’ve used all three in various environments where I need to work or for my activities. Sometimes, the main change I sought was the appearance of the prompt, which was too plain for my taste. However, the plugins offered to streamline other activities, such as adding aliases for common tasks (especially for git and directory navigation operations, though I have several others installed that I use less frequently).

After successfully switching to zsh, as mentioned in the post about zsh, I began incorporating other functionalities, and Oh My Zsh was among the first choices.

The first challenge is installation, as I lack permissions. I found that installing via script could fail, as it has in another environment where I use the tool and similarly lack sufficient permissions.

The GitHub repository offers different options, such as methods for obtaining scripts and their addresses (some countries prohibit GitHub usage, so alternative addresses are provided). However, my issue lay with the script itself (I’ve had issues with this method in an environment where I couldn’t use curl but could use wget).

So, I performed a ‘clean’ installation by transferring all files while maintaining the folder structure (in some environments, it’s possible to install using a script even without sudo permissions, placing all files in the logged-in user’s folder).

It wasn’t surprising that it worked flawlessly on the first try. After changing the theme and making a few other configuration adjustments, everything was there, working in a much more familiar manner and with several command options that I frequently use.